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The items listed below are in stock and ready to ship

F2265E Micom Antenna Tuner $2990.00
The HF-SSB Automatic Antenna Tuner Unit (ATU)
model F2265E is an antenna matching network that
provides efficient RF power transfer from the radio
system to the antenna.
The ATU handles up to 125 watts Peak Envelope Power
(PEP). It is used for voice and Continuous Wave (CW)
Morse code communications.
ATU F2265E matches the antenna impedance to the 50
Ω output impedance of the radio system, with a nominal
VSWR of 1.5 in the 1.6 to 30 MHz frequency range.
The ATU is housed in a weatherproof case, allowing
outdoor installation, such as open roofs.

Control Head Mounting Bracket
Trunnion mounting bracket for some Motorola control heads and all Micom control heads.

Micom 3T Control Head
Micom 3T control head fits Micom 3T transceivers.

Micom Mobile Mounting Kit
Mobile mounting bracket kit. Works with Micom 2B, Micom 2E, Micom 2TS, Micom 3F, Micom 3T

Micom DC Power Cable
Micom DC power cable. works with Micom radios including the Micom 2B, Micom 2M, Micom 2R, Micom 2E, Micom 3F, Micom 3T, Micom 3R